Friday, August 26, 2011

Fabric Lunchbag!

I used some of my favorite fabric to make a lunch bag for my first day of school last Monday. I think it's pretty cute! It doesn't hold it's shape very well, but it works!

I used this tutorial to make the bag. Mine is a little smaller because I didn't have quite enough fabric, but it doesn't hold the shape like the fabric in the tutorial, so it's alright. Here's the basic shape.

After sewing them together, here's how the corner looked (it took me a bit to figure it out).

 And here's the bag all finished!

 It really didn't want to stay upright for me to take a picture.

So there you go, and now I have a new lunch bag for school! :)


  1. This is such a great idea. I love it. I'm thinking a tupperware type container (perfect fit) placed in the bottom would help it hold its shape. Maybe I'll start at Goodwill, find the container and then cut the bottom to size. Easy to wash. Thanks for the post. Another thought was to add some carefully placed velcro tabs so it can be folded down a little. What do you think?

  2. I thought about velcro, but didn't have any. I've used this at school a lot lately and keep thinking I need some velcro! :)
