Monday, July 25, 2011

Headbands Galore!!!

I have been a busy girl today! I've made three headbands in the last 24 hours, as well as a zippered bag for my mother. I also have some catch-up blogging to do.

Here are my headbands!

I actually made the green one last night. I followed this Heather Bailey pattern but didn't include the ties. I used Amy Butler fabric called Green/Martini.

This morning I made the scrappy flower headband inspired by this blog. All you have to do is cut a skinny piece of fabric (I used leftovers from a cork board that I covered in fabric), wrap it around a headband and secure the fabric with hot glue every now and then. Then I tried my hand at rolled fabric flowers again and was very pleased with the results! Then I hot glued those onto the headband. The fabric I used was Kate Spain's Fandango Barcelona Azul (Moda).

My last headband took the longest. Depending on the fabric you use, it could be a quick project. The blog I found used jersey knit, which looked super cute and had more of a clean look. I only have cotton fabric so I cut 3 strips of fabric, folded them in half- right sides facing together- and sewed down each one to make a tube. Then I flipped each right-side out so they were more round looking when I braided them. The longest part was trying to flip the tubes out. I finally got smart and clipped a big safety pin onto one side and pushed it through the tube out the other side. But the base of the headband is the same as the scrappy flower headband- wrap and glue. Then I hot glued the braid onto the headband and it was done! The fabric I used on this is called Hunky Dory Mum Sparrow by Chez Moi (Moda).

I am still shocked that these turned out so well (or at least I think they did!). My husband was pretty darn impressed too. Here is one more picture, just because I'm so proud of myself! :)

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